Paper Review Template (just to give an idea, not complete) Paper title... 3 (weak accept) options: 1. Reject 2. Weak reject 3. Weak accept 4. Accept 5. Accept, award quality I am knowledgeable on this topic. options: X. I am an expert on this topic (know the related work well) Y. I am knowledgable on this topic Z. I am an informed outsider The research presented in the paper examines the use of biometric/psycho-physiological features to measure the difficulty that developers experience during development tasks. In an evaluation on .. programming tasks, ... participants are asked to ... The results show that... Strengths: - novelty of the approach - evaluation of the approach with professional developers - extensive analysis of the biometric features - ... Weaknesses: - generalizability of the results due to the small size of tasks - invasiveness of the sensors - ... The paper presents a novel approach to measure the difficulty that developers experience working on tasks. Different to previous approaches that are only focused on the output of the developers, this paper actually investigates the developer in the process. The approach also presents a significant contribution to the domain of SE since it could provide a vast number of options to better support developers in the future as they are ... The study conducted is well designed by using code snippets that stress different ... By using professional developers, the ... The analysis is sound and ... My major concerns for the paper are ... Overall, I am in favor of accepting the paper due to ....