iTrace: Enabling Eye Tracking on Software Artifacts within the IDE to Support Software Engineering Tasks

We are happy to announce that the paper “iTrace: Enabling Eye Tracking on Software Artifacts within the IDE to Support Software Engineering Tasks” got accepted at the ESEC/FSE Tool Demo Track! The paper was written in collaboration with Timothy Shaffer, Jenna Wise, Braden Walters, Michael Falcone, and Bonita Sharif from the Youngstown State University in USA.

The paper presents iTrace, an Eclipse plugin that implicitly records developers’ eye movements while they work on change tasks. iTrace records eye movements on various types of software artifacts (Java code, text/html/xml documents, diagrams), as well as Eclipse user interface elements. Currently, the X60 and EyeX eye trackers from Tobii are supported, but iTrace is designed for easy addition of new devices.

A preprint of the paper can be found online.

This video provides a short demonstration of iTrace: